
Style Sheet 

  • Manual of Style: Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition; Notes and Bibliography Style
  • Typeface: 12 point, double spaced
  • Emphasis: Do not italicise words for emphasis; Capitalisation should be kept to an absolute minimum and not used for ornamentation, emphasis, or as a sign of respect of status.
  • Language and spelling: UK spellings throughout [Proofing language in Word: <English (Ireland)>]
  • Formatting: The first paragraph in a section after a subheading should be full out to the margin. All subsequent paragraphs should be indented.
  • Abbreviations: Avoid unnecessary use of abbreviations, and ensure any unfamiliar ones are explained at the first occurrence, or in a list. Do not use abbreviations at the start of a sentence.
  • Periods: Omit full point after <Mr>, <Mrs>, <Dr> and other contractions ending with final letter of the word; use <St> for Saint, but <ed.> for editor. Single space after periods.
  • Dates: Dates should be set out as <11 June 1991>, with the months spelt out and no intermediate commas
  • Quotations: Short quotations of less than 50 words should be run-on within the text. Long quotations (50+ words) should be indicated in the text by allowing one line above and below the extract and indenting them in a block quote, without quotation marks. Verse quotations of more than one complete line should be separated from the main text, and indented six spaces. Individual line indents should be the same as those in the original poem or verse. No quotation marks are required. 
  • Punctuation: Single quotation marks <‘...’>; double quotation marks for quotes within quotes <‘...“x”...’> . All commas and periods should be placed inside of quotation marks: <‘quote,’>; <‘quote.’>. Apostrophes: Always use the possessive <s’s> for the singular; e.g. <Myles’s>; <Augustus’s>, <Barnabas’s>. In a series of three or more terms, do use the Oxford comma (i.e. use <Flann, Myles, and Brian>). Hyphens between page numbers and year-spans should be double en dash (i.e. <121–9>; <1963–73>) 
  • Footnotes: All citations and elaborations should be footnoted (not endnoted). Footnotes should be used sparingly to supply information that is relevant to the issue at hand, but would disrupt the tight development of the central argument in the main body of the text; not for digressions or underdeveloped theses on the texts at hand. Endnotes should be headed ‘Notes & references.’ 
  • Citations: Relevant sources should be footnoted according to the Chicago Manual of style. 
  • Unusual Cases: Unusual cases not covered by the Chicago Manual might be covered by the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (ODWE) or Harts Rules for Compositors and Editors (Harts Rules). Any cases not covered by these three guidelines should be flagged for the editors. 
O’Nolan-Specific Guidelines 

  • Pseudonyms & Titles: In terms of coordinating your article with the others regarding O’Nolan’s writing, we should like to ensure a certain consistency in the way we refer to the author. As you know, this can be a problem with Flann O’Brien/Myles na gCopaleen/Brian O’Nolan. If your article refers generally to all (or many) of the texts written by the author under multiple pseudonyms, we favour the name ‘Brian O’Nolan’; whereas the author of specific texts will be referred to by the chosen nom de plume i.e. The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien, An Béal Bocht by Myles na gCopaleen, ‘The Martyr’s Crown’ by Brian Nolan, ‘Díoghaltais ar Ghallaibh ‘sa Bhliain 2032!’ by Brian Ó Nualláin, etc. - the International Flann O’Brien Society bibliography is a good place to check these if, like us, you start to lose track. 
  • Irish-language texts: When referring to An Béal Bocht we prefer to refer to the book under the title O’Nolan gave it, An Béal Bocht, unless one is specifically making a point about the English translation The Poor Mouth, and English quotations from Power’s translation of An Béal Bocht should footnote the quote in the original Irish-language text. 
  • De/de Selby: For The Third Policeman the character is <de Selby>, for The Dalkey Archive it’s <De Selby> 
  • Editions: We accept any recognised, major edition of any primary texts. For Cruiskeen Lawn columns, we suggest you reference the original column where possible (rather than the collections, which are notoriously unfaithful), with full date and page number, from the Irish Times Digital Archive, unless you are making a particular point about one of the edited collections.

Focus and Scope

The Parish Review is an open-access journal, and the official publication of the International Flann O’Brien Society. It invites original scholarship on all aspects of the work of Brian O’Nolan (pseud. Flann O’Brien; Myles na gCopaleen), and publishes scholarly articles, reviews, conference reports, and artistic responses to O’Nolan’s work.

Submission Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. Any third-party-owned materials used have been identified with appropriate credit lines, and permission obtained from the copyright holder for all formats of the journal. The Parish Review also requires authors to secure any permissions for the reproduction of images as figures within articles that are currently licensed to be reproduced under restrictive terms (e.g., an artist's estate, archive or gallery). Evidence of any granted permissions will need to be shown to the Editorial Team prior to an article's publication in the journal. Permission to reproduce images must be obtained from the copyright holder prior to submission, and details of the permissions obtained, including a copy of any agreed licensing terms, should be included with your submission. Image permissions should permit open access publication with no restrictions on duration of use or recurring renewal costs.
  3. All authors have given permission to be listed on the submitted paper and satisfy the authorship guidelines.
  4. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  5. All DOIs for the references have been provided, when available.
  6. Tables and figures are all cited in the text. Tables are included within the text document, whilst figure files are uploaded as supplementary files.
  7. Figures/images have a resolution of at least 150dpi (300dpi or above preferred). Each file is no more than 20MB per file. The files are in one of the following formats: JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, EPS (to maximise quality, the original source file is preferred).
  8. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which are found under Submissions. Every effort has been made to ensure that author names are removed from the manuscript (following the instructions to ensure anonymous review).

Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. If you would prefer to publish your work under an alternative Creative Commons License, please indicate this in the Comments for the Editor box below, providing reasons for your request. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal. Authors are also permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.

Peer Review

All submissions are initially assessed by an Editor, who decides whether or not the article fits the scope of the journal and is suitable for peer review. Submissions considered suitable are assigned to two independent experts, who assess the article for clarity, validity, and sound methodology. The journal operates a double-anonymous peer review process, meaning that authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review process. The review period is expected to take around four to six weeks. Reviewers are asked to provide formative feedback, even if an article is not deemed suitable for publication in the journal. Based on the reviewer reports, the editors will make a recommendation for rejection, minor or major revisions, or acceptance. Overall editorial responsibility rests with the journal’s Editors, who are supported by an expert, international Editorial Board.

For further information, please see the journal's 'Peer Review Process'.


The Parish Review: Journal of Flann O'Brien Studies allows the following licences for submission:

  • CC BY 4.0
    Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Publication Fees

This journal is published by the Open Library of Humanities. Unlike many open-access publishers, the Open Library of Humanities does not charge any author fees. This does not mean that we do not have costs. Instead, our costs are paid by an international library consortium. If your institution is not currently supporting the platform, we request that you ask your librarian to sign up, here.

The OLH is extremely cost effective and is a not-for-profit charity. However, while we cannot function without financial support and we encourage universities to sign up, institutional commitment is not required to publish with us.

Publication Cycle

The journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis. It is published online in issues twice a year, Spring and Fall.


Section or article type

Public Submissions

Peer Reviewed









Creative Testimony



Letter to the Editors

In Memoriam