Keywords used by articles in this journal are listed below. Select a keyword to view which articles use it.
- Abbey Theatre
- Adaptation
- Administrative Officer
- Advertising
- aesthetics
- Aesthetics
- Affect
- Affect Theory
- After Hours
- afterlife
- Aidan Higgins
- ‘Aistear Pheadair Dhuibh’
- Albert Einstein
- Alcohol
- Aldous Huxley
- Alphonse Allais
- Ambivalence
- American dream
- A.M. Heath
- AM Heath
- An Béal Bocht
- An Gúm
- anniversary
- Anniversary
- Annunciation to the Virgin Mary
- Anthony Cronin
- anthropology
- Anti-Narrative
- Apocalypse
- Architecture
- Archive
- archives
- Archives
- Art
- Art Exhibition
- Art Flann
- Atmosphere
- Atmosphere Studies
- At Swim-Two-Birds
- authenticity
- Authorial identities
- Authorial Identity
- Authority
- Bildungsroman
- Bilingualism
- Biography
- biopolitics
- Biopolitics
- Blather
- Bloomsday
- Bodies
- Book publishing
- Boston College
- Brian Nolan
- Brian O'Nolan
- Brian Ó Nualláin
- Brinsley MacNamara
- bureaucracy
- Bureaucracy
- Burns Library
- Cannibalism
- Cartoons
- Ceist Gan Réidhteach
- censorship
- Centenary
- ‘!CEÓL!’
- Civil Service
- Cluj-Napoca
- cognitive sciences
- Collected Letters
- Column Bawn
- columnist
- Column writing
- Comic books
- Commedia
- Conference
- Conference Report
- confession
- Constantine Curran
- contemporary literature
- Correspondence
- Crime Fiction
- Critical theory
- Cruiskeen Lawn
- Cultural Transfer
- Culture Industry
- Dalkey Archive Press
- Dante
- David O'Kane
- Dead as Doornails
- Death
- Death Penalty
- deconstruction
- Deep Vellum Press
- Derrida
- detective fiction
- Dictionaries
- Diglossia
- disability studies
- Distance
- Donagh MacDonagh
- Donegal News
- Doodles
- Drama
- Drink
- Ecocriticism
- Eddie O'Kane
- Edition
- Education
- Edward Lear
- Edward O'Kane
- Emergency
- Emotion
- Envoy
- Etymology
- Evelyn Waugh
- Expertise
- Ezra Pound
- Fantasy
- Father Prout
- fatigue
- Film
- Finn
- Finnegans Wake
- Finn Mac Cool
- #Flann50
- Flann O'Brien
- Flann O’Brien
- Flann O'Brien Studies
- Fordism
- Francis Sylvester Mahony
- Frankfurt School
- Franz Kafka
- free state
- Friedrich Kittler
- Galloping Green
- Genetic Studies
- genre
- Gerry Byrne
- Giorgio Agamben
- Graham Greene
- Graphic novel
- Green & Co.
- Heidegger
- Heinrich Heine
- Hiberno-English
- Historicisation
- historicist approaches
- History
- Honoré Daumier
- Humour
- Hybridity
- Illusion
- Illustration
- Impression
- In Bruges
- Institutions
- Insults
- Interfusional
- Interfusionality
- intermedial readings
- International Flann O'Brien Society
- Intertextuality
- Interview
- Inversion
- Irish Civil Service
- Irish folklore
- Irish Free State
- Irish Journals
- Irish langauge
- Irish language
- Irish Language
- Irish-language literature
- Irish-Language Literature
- Irish-language poetry
- Irish language scholarship
- Irish literary modernism
- Irish modernism
- Irish Modernism
- Irish Mythology
- Irish Nature Poetry
- Irish Revival
- Irish studies
- Irish Studies
- Irish Times
- Jacques Le Coq
- James Joyce
- Joanna O'Kane
- Johann Gottfried Herder
- John Duffy's Brother
- John Garvin
- John Millington Synge
- John O'Brien
- John Wyse Jackson
- Journal
- Journalism
- Joyce
- Karl Kraus
- Kavanagh's Weekly
- Lacunae
- Landscapes
- & Language Determinism
- Language Determinism
- late modernism
- law and literature
- Law and literature
- Letters
- Library
- Life of Riley
- Literary hoaxes
- literary studies
- Literary titles
- Literature
- local government
- Longmans
- magic
- Masahiro Mori
- Mass Production
- material poverty
- Max Horkheimer
- mediality
- medical humanities
- Memory
- metacriticism
- Metafiction
- Metalepsis
- Metamorphosis
- Michael Victor O’Nolan
- Micheál Ó Nualláin
- Mickey Finn
- Mimesis
- Mind and Body
- Misreading
- modernism
- Modernism
- modernity
- Music
- Musical
- Myles Before Myles
- Myles Day
- Myles na gCopaleen
- Myles na Gopaleen
- Names
- Names; Characters; Texts
- Narrative language
- nationalism
- Nature poetry
- neuroaesthetics
- neutrality
- New Materialism
- new modernism
- New Modernist Studies
- Newspapers
- Niall Montgomery
- Niall Sheridan
- nonhuman studies
- Nonplus
- Notebook
- Omega point
- One-Man Show
- Online
- Opera
- Ordinary Language Philosophy
- Origin
- Osborn Bergin
- Our Lady of Sorrows
- Painting
- Palimpsests
- Paranoid Modernism
- pastiche
- Patricia Avis
- Patrick Kavanagh
- Patrick Smith
- Paul De Man
- Performance
- Performativity
- Petronius
- Philip K. Dick
- Phillipe Gaulier
- Phonograph
- Photography
- Physics
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
- Pisa bec oc Parnabus
- Place
- Planetary Ethics
- Podcast
- post-colonial historiography
- Postcolonialism
- postcolonial literature
- posthumanism
- post-modernism
- postmodernism
- Postmodernism
- presence
- Principal Officer
- Private Secretary
- Proliferation
- Protestants
- Pseudonyms
- psychoanalysis
- Psychoanalysis
- Publishing Contract
- Queer Theory
- Radio
- Radio Athlone
- Radio Eireann
- Radio Éireann
- Radio Myles
- readers' reactions
- reception history
- Relativity
- Reparative Ethics
- Report
- resistance
- Retirement
- Retrospective
- Review
- Review of Contemporary Fiction
- Revivalism
- Risteard Ó Foghladha
- R. M. Smyllie
- Roland Barthes
- Ronald Arbuthnott Knox
- Samuel Beckett
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- scholarship
- Scholarship
- Science
- Science Fiction
- Seán MacEntee
- Seán Mac Lellan
- Sedatives
- sexual modernism
- Shirley Temple
- short fiction
- Short Fiction
- Shows and Showers
- Sigmund Freud
- sleep
- slippery syntax
- Social class
- Social Engineering
- sociology
- Space travel
- Speculative Fiction
- Stephen Leacock
- Stillorgan
- Strabane Chronicle
- Stumpy Brae
- Style
- Subtraction
- Sunday Dispatch
- Tadhg Ó Donnchadha
- Technology
- teeth
- Television
- thanatophilia
- The Aran Islands
- Theatre
- Theatricality
- The Bell
- The Brother
- The Dalkey Archive
- The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing
- The Gate Theatre
- The Hard Life
- The irish Times
- 'The Martyr's Crown'
- Theodor Adorno
- Theories of Laughter
- The Parish Review
- The Phenomenon of Man
- The Playboy of the Western World
- The Scotch House
- The Tale of the Drunkard
- The Third Policeman
- the undead
- Third Policeman
- Thirst
- Tomás Ó Criomhthain
- Tom Burns
- Tone
- translation
- Translation
- translations
- Tribunal
- T.S. Eliot
- Two in One
- typewriter
- Typewriter
- typos
- Ulster Herald
- Uncanny Valley
- unreadability
- venereal diseases
- Violence
- Visual Arts
- Walter Benjamin
- Walter Benjmain
- Wilhelm von Humboldt
- William Shakespeare
- Wolfgang Iser
- Workshop
- World War Two
- Yeats
- Zozimus