Author: Joseph Brooker (Birkbeck, University of London)
In his closing remarks on this special issue of The Parish Review, Joseph Brooker reflects on the journal's republication of the six articles that Brian O'Nolan published in Kavanagh's Weekly in 1952 both as an opportunity to take stock of the current state of O'Nolan studies and to pinpoint O'Nolan's shifting tonal and stylistic features and his evolving attitudes to Irish society, culture, and industry in this neglected period of his writing.
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Keywords: Irish language, Style, Tone, Humour, Kavanagh's Weekly
How to Cite: Brooker, J. (2014) “The Lads in the Clouds: Myles na gCopaleen in Kavanagh’s Weekly”, The Parish Review: Journal of Flann O'Brien Studies. 2(2). doi: